In recent days, it appears that U.S. authorities are realizing they should have encouraged mask-wearing during the early stages of the outbreak. So I too have dusted off my sewing machines and have started to make masks to serve our customers.
Scott Gottlieb, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, said on Sunday in an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that “people should be contemplating wearing masks. We should be putting out guidelines from the CDC on how you can develop a [cotton] mask on your own.”
And on Wednesday, Adams told NBC’s “TODAY” show that he has asked the CDC to investigate whether his earlier recommendation should change. (Current CDC guidance is that healthy people don’t need masks or face coverings.)
Here is the prototype of our mask based on the research I did. After watching a ton of videos, I found that the best protection without a surgical mask is only if our mouth and nose are covered completely without any moisture able to get in.

I've made the filter pocket a standard feature, and there are many recommendations out there on how to get some extra protection from airborne bacteria entering our mouths and noses, in addition to the cotton face mask.
The easiest "filter" that most folks may already have available in their own homes is to add a folded paper towel. We will have the HEPA vacuum cleaner bag filters available after 04/10/20. Please send me a note if you would like to pre order. We will have 2 filter packs for $5.00.

The masks you will receive will have a slightly improved filter pocket access and will be completely reversible.
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